mercoledì 8 maggio 2013

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Alberto Cairo

Se mi si chiedesse di nominare un mistero che mi ha affascinato nel corso degli anni, direi la capacità del nostro cervello di creare e comprendere rappresentazioni visive con diversi gradi di astrazione: elementi grafici che codificano dati, concetti, connessioni e posizioni geografiche. Com’è possibile che il cervello, una massa raggrinzita di carne e grasso pigiata in una cavità per lei troppo piccola, possa assolvere a compiti tanto impegnativi? Questo volume è il mio personale tentativo di dare risposta a tale domanda. LEGGI TUTTO...

PER APPROFONDIRE: Il blog di A. Cairo (

Alberto Cairo teaches infographics and visualization at the University of Miami. He taught at UNC-Chapel Hill between 2005 and 2009, and has been director of infographics at El Mundo online, in Spain, and at Época magazine, in Brazil. He is author of “The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization.”

Katy Börner

Published by MIT Press

KATY BÖRNER is the Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science at the School of Library and Information Science and Founding Director of the Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center ( at Indiana University. She is a curator of the Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibit ( Her research focuses on the development of data analysis and visualization techniques for information access, understanding, and management. She is particularly interested in the study of the structure and evolution of scientific disciplines; the analysis and visualization of online activity; and the development of cyberinfrastructures for large scale scientific collaboration and computation. She holds a MS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Technology in Leipzig, 1991 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Kaiserslautern, 1997. Her home page is at

Images samples: QUI.

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